June 6, 2008

D&D; 4th Edition Source Books: Players Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide and Monster Manual

PHB4ed.jpgThe biggest title release of the summer is now in stores, and unlike recent installments, the 4th Edition of Dungeons and Dragons hits RPG shelves with a fist chalk-full of source books. That means there are nearly 1000 pages of D&D; 4th Edition source material available today.

Fans of D&D; can pick up all three source books in one bundle, at a severely discounted rate (nearly 50%) with the Dungeons and Dragons Core Rulebook Gift Set [Amazon]. With this one bundle of books, you'll have access to everything a Dungeon Master or a D&D; collector would need.

Here are details of each of the source books. Those of you not interested in every becoming a DM may want to pick them up one piece at a time, as required, starting with the Players Handbook:

PHB4ed.jpgD&D; 4th Edition Player's Handbook [Amazon]

Everything you need to get started. This book contains all the rules required to create characters and the foundation of the game rules. Also included are a set of character abilities, their spells, feats, and weapons and equipment.

This book is the heart of any D&D; release, and at 320 pages - it's the main body, too.

DMG4ed.jpgDungeon Master's Guide [Amazon]

You'll need a Dungeon Master in order to play D&D; of course, but if you're new to D&D; you might not even need a Dungeon Master's Guide (DMG). We highly recommend working through the Keep on the Shadowfell to get your feet wet. Afterwards, you migh twant to pick up a copy of the DMG, which should help you create new adventures, settings, monsters, and encounters for your D&D; jam sessions. The DMG also includes some of the more particular rules for those rare/advanced encounters.

MM4ed.jpgMonster Manual [Amazon]

This Monster Manual is this official Encyclopedia of Beasties and bad guy, and the perfect desk reference for adding new and popular creatures to your D&D; adventures. This book gives you nearly 300 pages of the stats, abilities, and tactics of your stock D&D; monsters, including: Dragons, Golems Vampires and Zombies. It also provides detailed back stories of where creatures should fit into the D&D; world and settings, which will help you weave a tight-knit line to make the plot, setting and encounters of your adventure all work together to tell a great story.

Have a good weekend!

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Posted by Critical Gamers Staff at June 6, 2008 11:14 AM

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